
Brothers Marc-André and François Blanchard have a relationship that goes beyong family ties : a shared passion for music, guitars and that big, powerfull "mesa-boogie" amp sond. Classicly trained , they have distinct, yet complementary, styles. Completing the band is Maxime Brisebois on drums, whose versatility and precision is the driving force that keeps proppeling the band further. The band exists in this form since 1998 and that line-up is not going to change! The alchemy that links those three individuals together is magic. The musical, personnal and professionnal relationships that we developed with one another makes us a unit so tight, we create, play and enjoy music as on big, autonomus (and sometimes crazy) living organism!


Moods swing and images speak volumes. The human voice is absent from our music, yet dialogue is at the heart of it. Sound textures, intricate mélodies, shifting rhythms all combine to create a narrative that addresses the imagination. Links are created, connections established  between the musicians and the listeners. Each piece of music a voyage, every performance an exploration. And we love travelling different places! Straight "in your face" rocking avenues, dark and scary back alleys, serene landscapes or chaotic "jazzy" cities & what can we say? Let yourself loose and climb aboard!


First full album of Capharnaüm, " Lesoleilestunebombeatomique " is an invitation to travel , to explore the special world of the group. The title carries double sense through the whole album : energy, both essential source of life and potentially destructive. To claim these two opposite poles and take ownership in an act of creation is a way for the group to express their desire to move forward ... on the razor's edge.